Version 3 of the BTHA’s fact sheet on common chargers for the EU has been published to reflect the latest changes to the Radio Equipment Directive.

Directive (EU) 2022/2380 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 November 2022 amending Directive 2014/53/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment mandates the use of common USB-C chargers for certain product types.

Version 3 of the BTHA fact sheet has been updated in line with draft Guidance for the interpretation of the ‘Common Charger’ Directive (EU) 2022/2380. A copy of the draft is available on request. The changes for version 3 of the fact sheet are highlighted for members in yellow.

Members should note that:

  • Entry into force: 28th December 2022
  • Entry into application: 28th December 2024 – most items in scope
  • Entry into application: 28th April 2026 – laptops
  • Products “placed on the market” prior to the application dates can continue to be sold through.

Full members can download the BTHA fact sheet here.

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