The British Toy & Hobby Association (BTHA) host annual winter Parliamentary receptions in the Houses of Parliament.

Toy safety is the BTHA’s number one priority. In previous years, we have brought together Parliamentarians, government officials, law enforcement and toy businesses to highlight the significant number of unsafe toys flooding the UK market, and how best we can work together to protect children from these dangerous products.

Events have focussed on how to keep children safe from the ever-growing number of unsafe, counterfeit and copycat toys being placed on the UK market. Illegal and dangerous toys put child safety at risk, cause financial and reputational damage to responsible toy makers, and ultimately cheat the UK economy. There will be a number of BTHA member toy companies featuring genuine and counterfeit products at the event and sharing experiences from their own businesses.

Event Information

Palace of Westminster
Annual event
1:00pm – 3:00pm
Please note there is a maximum of three attendees per company


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